Membership Information

Find out about our membership fees, categories and how to join

Interested in membership? 

Read on to find out about our membership fees, categories and how to join.


Are you eligible?

To join LEEA as a member, your company or organisation must

  • Be active in the lifting equipment industry
  • Be formally registered as a business and trading for at least 12 months since registration

If your company is not eligible, you can still access our training courses by registering with us as an Individual Trainee - 

Routes to Membership

We offer two routes to membership – standard and fast track.

Fast Track

With the fast track route to membership, your company will receive an on-site compliance audit within 3 months of applying for membership. This is the fastest way to become a member of LEEA. See below for fees and details about the application process.


With the standard route to membership, a compliance audit at your company’s premises will take place within 12 months of applying for membership. See below for fees and details about the application process.

Membership Application Fees

Our fees are based on an annual subscription which runs from the date of your membership offer and renews on the anniversary of the offer date.

If you are applying to become a member of LEEA, the following fees apply –

Fast track route 

(Compliance audit within 3 months)





New Zealand

Middle East



All other regions

Application fee




Annual subscription




Total for first year:





Standard route

(Compliance audit within 12 months)





New Zealand

Middle East



All other regions

Application fee




Annual subscription




Total for first year:





Membership Renewal Fees

Our fees are based on an annual subscription which runs from the date of your membership offer and renews on the anniversary of the offer date.

Here are the renewal fees for existing members –

Existing Members




Annual Subscription



Prices exclude VAT.


How to Join

1. Send us an expression of interest

Decide whether you want to take the standard or fast track route to membership. Complete an initial expression of interest form and we will contact you with details about the application process -

2. Complete a full application

If you fit the LEEA footprint, we will issue you with a proforman invoice for the application fee. Once paid, you will be issued with the full application form which is completed online.

3. Pre-Audit Assessment (PAA)

If the application is approved, we will issue you with a PAA form so we can conduct a pre-audit assessment and prepare for when we visit you to conduct a compliance audit on site.

4. Membership Offer

Once the pre-audit assessment has been approved, you will be sent a Provisional Offer of Membership along with your first annual subscription invoice.

Once this is paid, you will have access to all services with the Association. Please note that provisional members will not be issued a certificate, and cannot use any LEEA logos. 

5. Compliance Audit

We will arrange a visit to your company within a suitable time frame to suit both the LEEA auditors and member to carry out an initial complaint audit. We will then provide feedback and our development actions as required. You must complete your development actions within the time frame set, in order to move on to your correct membership pathway.

Note: Your initial compliance audit may happen before your membership offer.

6. Membership Certificate

Upon completion of your development actions (if relevant), you will be upgraded to either an Associate or Full Member depending on your scope of work. 

Your membership subscription renews annually and there will be ongoing audits throughout your membership.

Here is some further information on the process and audit-

Membership Categories

We have different categories of membership relating to a company's business activities.

Provisional Member
  • A company going through the application process to become a Member. They will be assigned another category when membership is formally offered.
  • LEEA will work with our Provisional Members for up to 12 months to help them meet the full membership criteria
Full Member
  • An organisation engaged for profit in the verification of lifting equipment, and which, in the opinion of the Directors is competent and can give an adequate service
Associate Member
  • An organisation engaged for profit in any of the following related to lifting equipment and which in the opinion of the Directors is competent and can give an adequate service:
    • Design
    • Manufacture
    • Supply
    • Hire
    • Service or repair
    • Training
  • A government department, nationalised body, or other organisation approved by the Directors which, in support of its main activity and not directly for profit or by way of trade, is engaged in any of the following activities related to lifting equipment:
    • Design
    • Manufacture
    • Test and examination
    • Inspection and examination
    • Service or repair
    • Training

Need technical advice?

For technical advice on lifting equipment matters, email our Technical Services team. This service is free to members and we will reply within two working days.

Email Technical Advice
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