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Start your application to become a member of LEEA

Interested in becoming a member of LEEA?

Please enter your company's details on the form below to express an interest in becoming a LEEA Member. We will then contact you to discuss the membership application process before sending a full application form.

If you are already a member of LEEA, or are looking for more information about any aspect of the Association, please contact us here.

Membership Route*

Please choose your route to membership below:

Standard Route (technical audit within 12-months of application)

  • UK, ROI, EU, AUS, NZ and ME £1000.00
  • All other regions £1500.00

Fast Track Route (technical audit within 3-months of application)

  • UK, ROI, EU, AUS, NZ and ME £2000.00
  • All other regions £3000.00

Please note membership application fees are non-refundable in the event your organisation fails to meet the necessary requirements at either the application review or Pre-Audit Assessment stages of the membership process.